Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 29 - La Mesa, NM - Kingston, NM

First and foremost - Happy Mothers Day to all the Moms reading this blog. You guys are amazing! I want to thank my mother for all of her support while I have been on this ride. Her encouragement has been very helpful on those hard days. I also want to thank the mother of my children, Sarah you are my hero! We have 2 amazing boys and you are doing a great job shaping their little minds! I am sorry I wasn't able to be there today to celebrate Mothers day with you and the boys, you will have to take a rain check! Love you.

Today was a tough day for me mentally and physically. I think because it was Mothers day it made it a little hard for me. I was thinking of my mom, and my wife and all these things were going on in my head, it was just a little overwhelming. I had to remove myself from our daily routine at lunch and try and clear my head. It was a weird feeling. One thing that has become clear to me on this trip is I want to be a better family man. I want to be a dad that is at his kids practices and games, I want to be there for dinner with my family. These are things I am genuinely missing right now.

The morning went by quickly again. The roads were smooth and fast. Not much wind out that early. We saw a lot of people heading into little restaurants and it looked like it was family taking there moms out for breakfast! It made me think of my wife and kids. Like I indicated above, it was hard to stayed focused this morning. We stopped for lunch at Hatch, NM. When I rode up to the RV there was a camp chair outside and in the shade. I decided to just sit out there and clear my head. I leaned my head back against the RV and dozed off for a few minutes. It was peaceful in the shade. I could hear the hustle and bustle of the little city in the background, but not that bad. Mona brought my sandwich out and I just ate out there.

When we headed out for the afternoon ride we were on the same farm road, except the wind had decided to mess with us again. It was a fierce cross wind and we knew at that point it was going to be a long afternoon. We did get a little break when this John Deer tractor passed us on the road. We were able to use it to block the wind for a few miles. Probably not the safest thing to do, but it was sure fun!

And that was it for the highlight in the afternoon. It was all business after that. We headed straight into the wind for a good 15 miles and it was gusting right in our faces. It was an all out battle of will and determination. It is extremely defeating to be putting out such an effort to be pushed straight back. It was so bad that on the downhills you still had to pedal because the wind wouldn't allow you to coast. We rode right up to the base of the hills. When we got there you could see the road winding up the side of the hills. All you can do is down shift and keep going.

The good news is the scenery was very pretty up in the hills.

We finally arrived at the Black Range Lodge and we were more then excited to be here. I can only speak for myself but that afternoon 52 miles ride has to be one of the hardest days for me on the bike. It has been since Florida when my legs and knees actually hurt right now after getting off the bike. Lots of stretching and Dr. Hoys for me tonight. The best part is we are in valley and have another 2,000 feet of climbing in the morning to make it over the pass. The view from the top is supposed to be great, so that is what I will be focusing on is the view from the top! Today was the 4th riding day in a row, and normally tomorrow would be a rest day, but this is a 5 day run, so we have a 50 mile day tomorrow and then we get a rest day. I am sure my legs will be more then ready for that rest day!

Like I said we are at the Black Range Lodge, and it is rumored to be haunted by Sam the one armed Handyman. A few years ago the history channel came and did a reenactment of the ghost stories that are out there. I personally don't believe and that sort of thing. But according to the grounds keeper they have a lot of folks come by and stay with all there audio equipment and camera to try and catch something on film. Me, I plan on sleeping hard tonight. If any ghost come in my room, do what you want, just don't wake me up!

There is a line from a TV show I was that I keep running through my head when I see a big climb, it cracks me up every time. So I found it on youtube and thought I would share it with you. It is the first line with Amy Poehler thinks she gets stuck with a needle. Hope it makes you laugh too!

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