Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 25 - Fort Davis, TX - Rest Day

Today was a rest day in our schedule. We spent the night at the Prude Ranch just outside town. It is hidden back in a canyon and very quiet and peaceful. Since we teamed up and got our choirs done last night we were able to really kick our feet up and relax today.

This morning Mona prepared us a full breakfast consisting of hash browns (from scratch), sausage patties, scrambled eggs and toast. It really hit the spot and keep me full all morning. While were riding we are consistently eating on the bike. Not a lot, but a cracker here, and granola bar there and whatever else we may want. You have to keep putting fuel into your body to keep it running all day long. Normally on rest days, I end up being hungry all day long. But today I was very content all morning.

I walked down to the ranch lodge and was able to connect with my family on skype for 20 minutes. It was so good to see there faces and talk to my boys about what they had been up too. They had some new toys that they were so excited to show me. It really set the tone for me for the whole day. Afterwards we came back to the RV and did some work on the computer, then I was able to dig into my book I have been wanting to finish for awhile now.

Today also brought us the arrival of another support member, his name is Ed. He will be driving the SAG vehicle from El Paso to Phoenix. He will be learning the ropes the next 2 days with our veteran driver Bill Estle. Bill will be with us until Saturday evening. He will be missed, but he has done an amazing job. Ed has some big shoes to fill, but I am sure he is up to the challenge.

We then headed into town for lunch, we ate at a pizzeria. All the food was good, I ordered a pizza with Canadian bacon aka ham. The service was good, good ol Texas service!

We all headed back to the ranch and retreated to our own areas to nap and take care of things. Shannon being the awesome bike mechanic that he is went through our bikes and made sure they were prepared for the next 5 days. Thanks Shannon!

We have a 5 day run in front of us that will carry us up some big climbs and out of Texas. Riding out of Texas excites all of us. Something about riding over a border and know that you just put that state behind you just gives us a boost!

I was able to sit outside and enjoy the stillness that surrounded me tonight. It really relaxed me and again help me focus on whats ahead of us.

If possible try to find some quietness in your day, it amazing what a few minutes can do to our outlook.

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