Tuesday the 10th we headed to the Columbus Zoo with My Dad and Linda. We saw all the areas of the zoo and spent a solid 7-1/2 hours at the zoo. It was funny, after hitting all the areas (Africa, Asia, North America, Australia, Aquarium) we all realized on the way out that we didn't see any zebras. We managed to spend all that time there and never did find a zebra. We hit up a good Mexican joint all the way back to the house. Good food, it is funny to come from Arizona and eat good Mexican food in Ohio? go figure. The kids had a blast and we all slept good that night.
Wednesday the guys said at the house and did guy things, and my wife and Linda went to Amish country to shop. We spent the majority of the day outside, we cut up a small tree that blew over on a path in the woods and the kids help clear the path. Isaac and Nathaniel loved. Then we split and stacked wood for the some time. The kids loved it!

Thursday was another packed full day. We headed over to some friends house for lunch. Funny story. One of Sarah's good friends growing up moved to a small city near my dad about a year and a half ago. Of all the places. We were greeted with hugs and smiles. She had a tasty lunch prepared for us and then brownies and ice cream for dessert, in the middle of the day - that is a good lunch experience right there! The kids, took off to the tire swing out back and laughed and had a good time. We spent the afternoon there and went straight to my cousins house for dinner. Again we were greeted with hugs and smiles. I was able to see my aunt and uncle, my cousin Tiffany and her husband Jason, and there son Dominic. My grandma was also invited over and I was able to see her again. The kid, who had never met before took off like kids do and were best friends for the night. Playing in the tree house and running around the yard. Jason grilled some burgers, and my cousin and aunt prepared some delicious sides to go with it. It was topped of with some homemade blueberry cobbler and ice cream. If you are following along at home, you will realize this was in fact my second serving of dessert in one day...:) The best part of the evening was just sitting around the table outside and catching up, telling old stories from when we were kids and laughing. We had a great evening, again the kids were done, way before we got them to their beds, actually we carried them to their beds.
Friday - we hung out around the house, my dad though Sarah his bread recipe that he uses and the kids ran around and showed us tricks they knew how to do. Soon after lunch we headed to the airport to send off Sarah and the kids to go spend 13 days with Grandma and Papa Holmquist. We were sad to see them go, but happy to know they were continuing the fun of this trip. Sarah on the other hand had a goal n front of here making it to on those flights with the kids. you will have to ask her to get the full story.
We dropped them off and had dinner in Columbus, and then off to Costco to load up. I learned something this week. When you live in the country we take advantage of trips to the store. My dad is 25-35 minutes away from most stores that you need to go to. They loaded up the cart, and then put everything into cold bags in the truck so everything would keep for the 60 minute ride home.
I still have Saturday and Sunday to share with you, but it is almost time to board my flight.
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