Today we a woke to a tire on our sag vehicle with a screw in it. After we ate breakfast the drivers put together a plan and go the tire repaired. We rode ahead.
This morning was pretty nice, still humid and there was a breeze but it was at our backs and our left side most of the morning. We really moved this morning through the back roads in eastern Texas. My first impression of Texas is that everyone is really friendly. We get a lot of people waving and giving us lots of room when they pass. The views have been great, still alot of farms and open land.
Here is a picture of our SAG drivers, they are huge in our success everyday. These guys keep us hydrated and feed through out the day. Thank you Bill and Jerry!
We arrived at lunch pretty early today, even though we already had 55 miles behind us. We went through our lunch routine. Being excited about a rest day we headed out after 45 minutes.
It is interesting being in such small towns. While we were eating lunch a women came and knocked on the RV door to let us know she has cabins for rent down the road if we need to stay over night. Then when we were getting ready to ride away from lunch a gentlemen drove up and stopped and got out of his truck and started talking to us. Turns out he used to ride BMX when he was younger. He had driven by earlier and seen the RV and his daughter was really excited about it so he wanted to stop by and see what it was all about. We talked for awhile and then gave him some BMX magazines and stickers that we had with us. Then Pops sold him a t-shirt. It was a good end to our lunch break.
We got back on the saddle and rode! It turned out to be another roller coaster afternoon. It seemed we did more going up then going down, but it resulted in the last 37 miles going by very quick.
We pasted what we think was a guided tour of cyclist going the same route as we are, only in a different directions. The good news was most of them had smiles on there faces! I flashed a smile and a wave to all of them to.
Our route stopped tonight in New Waverly, TX. Population 950. We loaded our bikes on the racks and drove to our hotel just down the road in Willis, TX. When we arrived there was a package at our hotel from my wife and kids. They sent me an Easter basket with candy, it was very thoughtful and meant a lot to me. My boys sent me drawings too! It was a great surprise!
Tonight we had a special dinner! We went to someone home here in TX and they cooked us a proper Texas dinner. I will give all the details tomorrow.
Tomorrow is a rest day! We are staying at a hotel that is a stones throw away from a church. We are planning on attending the 9:30am service in the morning. Aunt Sharon is leaving us tomorrow and heading home. She has been with us from the day 1 and it will be sad to see her go. But as she leaves one of Shane's coworkers is flying in tomorrow to help us for then next 3 weeks!
But right now I need my sleep!
Kyle, you are a great father, husband, and friend. Keep up the great ride. It is amazing to me what you all are doing. Thank you! Carl